Whiplash Treatment with our Chiropractor in Fayetteville, North Carolina.
While auto accident victims often worry about getting whiplash, there are other ways this neck injury can occur. If you have a work-related injury or sports injury, you may also be suffering from whiplash. Learn more about neck pain and whiplash to see if chiropractic treatment at Adjust Experience Chiropractic could be the solution to your pain.
About Whiplash
Your neck is composed of small muscles and vertebrae that enable you to control your head movements. However, if your head is suddenly jerked in an unexpected manner, this creates great pressure on the neck muscles and upper cervical spine. In fact, it can lead to muscle tears and herniated discs in your vertebrae.
You might have immediate neck pain, but in a few days, those muscles and vertebrae will become inflamed. When this inflammation and swelling occurs, it causes your neck muscles to seize up. You are no longer able to move your neck and are suffering from whiplash.
Importance of Early Treatment
If you have been injured in an auto accident, you have a narrow time frame in which to seek medical treatment. After this time has passed you are unable to file a claim for your treatment costs. As noted, with whiplash it can take days and even weeks before the neck muscles lose mobility with this condition.
You may think you are just fine in the meantime, and not go to visit a chiropractor. This is a major mistake since we can detect whiplash and start treatment immediately. As a result, we recommend that you make an appointment as soon as possible after your neck injury to get checked for whiplash.
Chiropractic Care for Whiplash
Treating whiplash begins with reducing the inflammation in the neck muscles. We can utilize massage therapy to help reduce the swelling. Once the inflammation has started to subside, we are able to provide spinal decompression and chiropractic adjustments. This enables our chiropractic doctor to realign your upper cervical vertebrae and relieve pressure on bulging or herniated discs. You will begin to experience neck pain relief and see mobility improvements as you recover from whiplash.
Contact Our South Florida Chiropractors for Whiplash Treatment
To get started with whiplash treatments, schedule a consultation with our chiropractors in East North Carolina. Headed by Dr. Salvatore C. Daniele, we offer treatments for car accident victims, sports injuries, personal injuries, and work injuries. In addition to whiplash and neck pain, we also treat shoulder pain, leg pain, headaches, and sciatica. Contact our office at Adjust Experience Chiropractic by calling 910-480-1111 today to get started with treatment. Our chiropractor, Dr. Daniele, will have you on the road to recovery without drugs or surgery.